Farewell to Royce Ballinger
Royce Ballinger, Professor Emeritus, distinguished academic and teacher, Emeritus Friends of Ironwood Forest (FIF) Board of Directors member, died peacefully in his sleep Monday, November 20. He was 81.
Royce brought to the board a wealth of knowledge, a world of administrative experience, and an enthusiasm for the monument that translated into an active and productive role on the board.
During his professional career he taught 35 different courses in the natural sciences, chaired and served on over 100 university, national and international panels and committees, belonged to multiple professional organizations. Many of you are familiar with his book Natural History of the Ironwood Forest National Monument: A Sonoran Desert Primer which he authored with former board member Young Cage.
Royce is survived by five children, brother and sister-in-law, longtime partner Jean, and many friends throughout the world.
We deeply appreciate his clarity and vision which provided the guidance and stability the board needed as we matured in support of Ironwood Forest National Monument. We will remember Royce as his legacy lives on in the desert he studied, loved, and helped people to appreciate and protect.